A. Tanker Familiarisation Training
Ratings assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment (eg pumpman) and all officers on tankers are required to have completed:
At least 3 months of seagoing service on (the type of tanker to which the certification is sought) in order to acquire adequate knowledge of safe operational practices; or
A tanker familiarisation training programme approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) covering the syllabus given in A-V/1 of the STCW 2010 Code; or
At least 30 days service under the supervision of qualified officers on a tanker of less than 3000 gt engaged on voyages not exceeding 72 hours.
In addition to the above, ratings are required to undertake the advanced firefighting training programme specified in section A-VI of the STCW 2010 Code.
B. Specialised Tanker Training
In addition to the requirements above, masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person, such as a cargo officer or cargo engineer officer, with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling of cargo in a tanker, are required to have completed:
An MCA-approved specialised relevant (oil, gas or chemical) tanker training programme covering the syllabus in section A-V/1 of the STCW 2010 Code; and
At least 3 months sea service on the type of tanker to which the certification is sought.
C. Multiple Endorsements
Where endorsements for service on a second or third type of tanker are sought, the requirement for 3 months sea service on the specific type of tanker may be substituted by successful completion of 28 days approved shipboard training, involving at least one loading and one discharging operation.
D. Tankers of less than 3000 gt engaged on voyages not exceeding 72 hours
Candidates for a first tanker endorsement serving on tankers of less than 3000 gt engaged on voyages not exceeding 72 hours may, as an alternative do not have to do tanker familiarisation course but have to do
An approved specialised tanker training programme appropriate to the type of tanker, i.e. Oil, chemical or liquefied gas; and
a period of 28 days approved shipboard training on that type of tanker, involving at least 4 loading and 4 discharging operations
E. Certificates and Endorsements
Officers meeting the requirements of paragraph B above should have their certificates of competency, certificates of equivalent competency endorsed by the MCA for service on the appropriate type of tanker(s)
Officers who hold non-UK certificates of competency may obtain tanker endorsements (as separate documents) if they undertake a UK approved relevant tanker training programme and produce evidence of required sea service on tankers. Applications should be made in accordance with the procedure at paragraph below. The issue of such endorsements will not imply recognition by the UK of these officers’ certificates of competency.
Ratings and officers meeting the requirements of Tanker Familiarisation Training only, should submit the evidence to an MCA Marine Office where their discharge books will be appropriately endorsed. Those not in possession of a UK discharge book may be issued with a separate Tanker Familiarisation certificate.
The requirements of sea time must be completed within the five year period prior to the date of application for an endorsement or Tanker Familiarisation certificate.
F. Revalidation of Tanker Endorsements
A tanker endorsement will be revalidated provided the master or officer can provide evidence of the following service in the preceding 5 years:
At least 3 months, which need not be continuous, on the type of tanker to which the certification is sought; or
At least 6 months on a storage tanker, barge or terminal in operations involving loading or discharging of tankers.
If this evidence cannot be provided, the endorsement will be withdrawn. Before it can be re-issued, the applicant will be required to complete:
The relevant (oil, gas or chemical) specialised tanker training programme or
14 days supervised ship-board training in a supernumerary capacity in the relevant type of tanker
G. Application Procedure
Certificates of competency will be endorsed for service on tankers carrying oil, chemicals or liquefied gas for those candidates who meet the training and sea service requirements specified in paragraph B above.
Applications should be made on forms which may be obtained from MCA Marine Offices or the MCA’s Seafarer Standards Branch.
Completed application forms should be sent to the Seafarer Standards Branch with the following original supporting documents and appropriate fee (details of the fee are given on the application form).
certificate of competency, certificate of service or certificate of equivalent competency;
certificate(s) of successful completion of an MCA approved specialised tanker training programme;
discharge book or certificates of discharge;
Reports on sea service. The requirements of sea time must be completed within the five year period prior to the date of application.
certificate of successful completion of an MCA approved 28 day shipboard training programme (if applicable)
A medical fitness certificate issued within one year of the date of application for an endorsement of a certificate of competency for service on a bulk chemical carrier.
H. Multiple Endorsements
Applicants for more than one endorsement who are suitably qualified may apply on one application form, submitting only one fee.
Further information can be found in the MGN 9 and MGN 95 Below
How to get Dangerous Cargo Endorsement - STCW 2010?